Tracy McGrady

Tracy McGrady

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Good game by T-mac vs the Hawks


     Last Night the Pistons and the Hawks battled it out. The Hawks came on top winning by 15. Tracy McGrady was the leading scoring for the Pistons with 14 points. Tracy's statistics were 14 points, 4 assists, 1 block, and 2 steals. Pistons had a 15 point lead in the game and then the Hawks started slowly creeping back into it. The Pistons need to work on closing games out. For example they were beating the Heat the whole game and ended up losing by 1 point, 86-87.

     I think to finish games Tracy McGrady needs to have the ball in his hands to end the game because he is a veteran and knows how to close games. If anyone says otherwise explain the 13 points in the last 30 seconds to beat the Spurs by 1 point. That spells C-L-U-T-C-H! Tracy has one of the highest basketball IQ's in the NBA. I would totally have faith in him to end those games. It seems like the Pistons do better when Rodney Stuckey isn't in the game. Don't get me wrong he is a good player, I just think he is out of control and is not a good point guard. Why not give it a try let T-mac make the decisions on the court when the game is in the line? When the Pistons put him in the starting line up they have a winning record I saw the record somewhere on the internet, but i can't seem to find it right now.

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